If a participant holds a user account that was created with a different district, they will not appear on your Summary or Detailed Reports. 

Please contact our support team at support@responsivelearning.com with the participant’s name, the email they used to register, the name of their former district/campus, current email, and the name of their current district/campus, and we’ll be happy to adjust their location for you. 

To relocate a participant who is registered in your district, follow the steps below: 

  1. Click the "Manage Participants menu option on the left-hand side of your dashboard.
  2. If you do not see the participant, search for them by typing their first and last name into the respective columns on the table. 
  3. Click the blue "edit" link next to the participant's name. This will open a pop-up. 
  4. In the pop-up, click the name of the location your participant is currently listed at. 
  5. Type the correct campus name and click the "Search" button. If you do not see the correct campus name, contact us at support@responsivelearning.com, and we will add the campus to our system. 
  6. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the popup. 

Note: Only Administrators with district privileges can move participants from one campus to another. 

If you're a campus administrator and notice that a participant is listed at the wrong campus, please contact support@responsivelearning.com with that participant's name, email address, correct campus, and the campus they're currently listed at in the system, and we'll be happy to help you.