The gifted identification process involves quite a few people from both inside and outside the school system. To ensure that every child's information is protected to the standards outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA, the GT Identification System features five different participant roles with limited access to the information contained within the system. These roles include the following: 

  • GT District Coordinator 
    • This refers to the district-level person that will oversee the entire district GT Identification System process.  This person will receive administrative rights to all of the district information. This person also delegates roles to the other participants in the GT identification process. 
    • The GT District Coordinator has access to all of the referral screens for all of the campuses in a district. 
  • GT Chair 
    • This refers to the campus-level person that will oversee the campus GT Identification System process.  This person will receive administrative rights for the campus assigned.
    • The GT Chair has access to all of the referral screens for their specific campus. 
  • GT Committee Member 
    • This refers to the member(s) of the decision committee.  This person will be able to review and determine their opinion regarding the student being considered for qualification for gifted services.
    • The GT Committee Member can view all relevant documents, test results, survey results, and comments regarding a specific student's referral.  
  • Collaborator 
    • This person is invited by the District Coordinator or the GT Chair to participate in a specific child's gifted identification process.  This refers to the person that is invited to submit data for determining the qualification of the student for gifted services.  This may be a teacher or others that have a contribution for consideration.
    • The Collaborator has access to the students that they currently teach who have been referred for GT testing. 
  • Parent/Guardian 
    • This refers to the parent or guardian of the student being evaluated for qualifications for gifted services.  This person is invited to participate by the District Coordinator or the GT Chair.  Participation by the parent/guardian allows access to the parent portal which will only display information about their specific student.
    • The Parent/Guardian only sees information they have added, the referral survey if the referrer was someone other than the parent, and what step the child is in the referral process. They cannot see information added by their student's teacher or other collaborators.