The My Orders section of your administrator dashboard allows you to view the names, registration codes, purchase order numbers, order end dates, and remaining credit hours for all of the orders placed by you, for your campus or district.
Please note that if you are a campus administrator, you will have to contact your district administration team for information on orders placed by the district, as you will not have access to this information.
*Your order will reflect “0” hours available and seats available until at least one teacher has registered for a course.*
How do I get to the "My Orders" section?
- Click the “My Orders” tab on the left hand side of your dashboard
- Click the blue “Details” button next to the order you would like to view the "Order Details" for. This will take you to the "Order Detail" page, which displays all the available information for that order.
What's on the "Order Details" page?
The "Order Details" page houses specific information about an order, such as its expiration date, how many hours are left in the order, and which teachers are registered under an order.