Reports give administrators a clear picture of the training their teachers have completed, the date of completion, the progress they are making during training, how they answered reflective questions, and how they did on in-training quizzes. 

There are two types of reports available on the Admin Dashboard. 

The Course Summary Report is an at-a-glance view of your participants’ work. It shows you their current course completion status, the order they’re registered under, the title of the course they’re currently enrolled in, the date they registered for the course, the date they completed the course, and how many credit hours the course is worth. 

For detailed instructions on how to run and read a Course Summary Report, visit our FAQ: What is the Course Summary Report

The Course Detail Report shows you how your participants responded to reflective questions, performed on in-course activities, and how they scored on quizzes, as well as specific registration and completion times.

For detailed instructions on how to run and read a Course Detail Report, visit our FAQ: What is the Course Detail Report?

Who needs access to reports? 

Any administrator, coordinator, or director who will be regularly managing training for your participants will benefit from having access to reports. If you would like help registering your administrators, visit our Admin Dashboard: How do I add Report Viewers? FAQ. 

Why can’t I find my participants? 

The most common reasons participants don’t appear on reports are that they haven’t registered for and begun their online courses, their profiles list them as being located at another campus/district, or they registered for and completed courses outside of the dashboard’s pre-set 90-day window. 

If you’re unsure about a participant’s location or registration status, please contact with the participant’s name, email address, and current campus/district, and we’ll be happy to let you know if they’re registered or adjust their location.