After a student's parent or guardian has given the school permission to begin the GT identification process for a student, a new section titled "Data Collection & Testing" will populate on the student's referral page. 

This section includes a system-generated collaborator invitation letter that includes a self-registration link that allows collaborators to participate in a specific student's GT identification process by contributing student work, filling out a teacher survey, and making any relevant comments or notes. 

To invite teachers/collaborators to participate, scroll to the "Invite Collaborator(s)/Teacher(s)" section and follow these steps: 

  1. Type the teacher(s) email address in the section titled "Enter collaborator(s)/ teachers(s) emails here. If your campus SIS data has been uploaded to the GT Identification System teacher names and emails will automatically populate in this section. 
  2. If you would like to make any individual or special edits to this email, you can do so by clicking in the email box and typing as you normally would. Note: any changes you make in the English section are not automatically translated into Spanish.
  3. Click the "Preview Email Invite" button to review the email. 
  4. Click the blue "Send Email" button to send the email. After the email is sent, both the sender and the registered recipients will receive a copy of the email.