After a student's parent or guardian has given the school permission to begin the GT identification process for a student, a new section titled "Data Collection & Testing" will populate on the student's referral page.
This section includes a system-generated collaborator invitation letter that includes a self-registration link that allows collaborators to participate in a specific student's GT identification process by contributing student work, filling out a teacher survey, and making any relevant comments or notes.
To invite teachers/collaborators to participate, scroll to the "Invite Collaborator(s)/Teacher(s)" section and follow these steps:
- Type the teacher(s) email address in the section titled "Enter collaborator(s)/ teachers(s) emails here. If your campus SIS data has been uploaded to the GT Identification System teacher names and emails will automatically populate in this section.
- If you would like to make any individual or special edits to this email, you can do so by clicking in the email box and typing as you normally would. Note: any changes you make in the English section are not automatically translated into Spanish.
- Click the "Preview Email Invite" button to review the email.
- Click the blue "Send Email" button to send the email. After the email is sent, both the sender and the registered recipients will receive a copy of the email.